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LETTER: Proposed Summerland pool is expensive, but will bring benefits

I certainly benefited from our existing pool as did my family
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Dear Editor:

I attended the open house for our proposed new pool on Wednesday.

$50 million is an obscene amount for Summerland to pay for anything.

I was initially opposed to the whole thing. But upon reflection, the bottom line is do we want our future generations to enjoy a rec centre and pool or don’t we?

I certainly benefited from our existing pool as did my family. Our kids learned to swim there. All the talk of parking, taxation and whether the numbers are correct or not is largely irrelevant. Pools and rec centres cost a lot of money. If we want our community to have one, the opportunity is here.

The old one has served us well but it is done. Most of the people I talked to were opposed, as was I.

I also realized very few of us, if any, will be paying for it for 30 years. Most of us will be gone, or certainly not living in our current houses.

I think we should look to the future. Give the next generation something to enjoy that we all had and hold our noses and vote yes. It will be a great addition to our community, which could certainly use a shot in the arm.

Ian McIntosh
