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LETTER: Commitment must not be broken

Summerland council has adopted resolution that the hatchery issues be resolved first

Dear Editor:

In January of 2017, the director of development services recommended, and it was adopted that the hatchery issues be resolved before addressing the many other outstanding issues.

This commitment was then amended at a later date and the process continued throughout all of 2017 even though the Hatchery has been opposed to the development all along.

It was discussed publicly in early 2017 at council meetings that if the hatchery was not supportive of the project, Banks Crescent project would not move forward. The hatchery has never supported the project but Banks Crescent continues to move forward.

During the past year, mayor and council have repeatedly said that the hatchery operations must not be endangered.

Now the mayor is stating that the concerns of the hatchery will have to be considered along with the other information received. This is a far cry from earlier statements in 2017 that Banks Crescent will not move forward unless the Hatchery concerns are addressed.

It is almost certain that the construction in the Banks Crescent bowl over the next several years will disrupt the water source for the hatchery in one way or another, then what?

Broken commitments will not mean anything then.

Brian Wilkey
