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LETTER: Climate change action must be a priority

The climate crisis has been causing chaos across Canada this summer
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Dear Editor:

Drought. Wildfires. Flash floods. The climate crisis has been causing chaos across Canada this summer. And who’s making a killing while the rest of us suffer? The oil and gas companies that created this mess.

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Enough is enough. It’s time for our federal government to stop appeasing the fossil fuel industry and start holding them accountable. We need to see a real turning point when Parliament returns in September. Our future depends on it.

Real action on the climate emergency starts with three things: end the flow of public money to the fossil fuel industry, stop letting Big Oil influence our politics, and make polluters pay for the damage they’ve already done.

I want my MP to know this is my number one issue, and I’ll be watching closely this fall to make sure our elected officials deliver.

Frank Martens


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