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COLUMN: Showing care during a time of rising costs

Jim Kedge of Summerland Alliance Church reflects on inflation during the holiday season

By Jim Kedge

As I’ve followed the news over the last few months, inflation has been one of the main topics of discussions. Prices on everything seem to be rising everywhere.

While we all may be tired of hearing about inflation, the increases of costs are a real stress for many people.

Recently, I’ve seen stories talking about how these increases may affect our Christmas celebrations. Turkey, ham, fish, and various other Christmas staples may be unavailable thanks to shortages, or unaffordable for some because of rising prices.

Many of us are shopping less, spending less money on presents for others. We want to be generous with those closest to us, but our money isn’t going as far anymore.

We want the people in our lives to feel cared for and loved by us.

When Jesus was born, the Gospel of Luke says that Mary “wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.” Jesus had his first nap in a feeding trough.

There wasn’t enough room for him and his family. Yet Mary provided love and care, taking the time to wrap up her son “snugly” so he could have the rest and safety he needed.

With the little they had in this moment, there was still enough of what mattered.

We all have this kind of care and love to give. While this Christmas could look different from those in the past, we can still show those close to us that they matter.

We are each able to do whatever we can with whatever we have to let others know we care. Even if we can’t celebrate this season like we have in the past, or if we choose not to, I believe we have what we need to show kindness, compassion, love, appreciation, and care.

When our money doesn’t go as far, we still have something to give.

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth.

Jim Kedge is the pastor of Summerland Alliance Church.