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Pinnell on ballot as Summerland mayoral candidate

Pinnell says he’s not a politician, but a retired 64-year-old businessman and a leader
Chuck Pinnell is on the ballot as a candidate for mayor in Summerland’s local municipal election Oct. 15. (Contributed)

Chuck Pinnell is on the ballot for the role of Summerland’s mayor in the Oct. 15 local government election.

While in the workforce, he has managed large crews of people in the lumber industry in northern B.C. He has overseen a large sales force of distributors in five countries, organized conferences and has spoken to audiences as large as 3,000 people.

Pinnell says he’s not a politician, but a retired 64-year-old businessman and a leader. He sees many untapped-economic-opportunities for Summerland.

“I’d like to see incentives for business, industry, and agriculture to grow and expand here—creating more jobs and giving our youth and young families a reason to stay,” he said. “People need to understand the value that each well-paying job brings to the community. It has a multiplying effect.”

Pinnell says he supports the people in agriculture and other businesses. “How do we help you, and not hinder you? I am for growth within our district. Bring your concerns and ideas!”

Pinnell played hockey for 40 years and was an assistant captain more than once. He says it’s all about the team, team building, team efforts.

“I see the mayor and council as a team, a team that is a summary representation of Summerland and district.”

He says his role would be as a team builder and leader, guiding his team to the best decisions.

“There is strength and protection in much counsel. It would be best for us to see each other as teammates, and not adversaries.”

Would that mean they’d always agree? “That wouldn’t be good either,” he said, “but that we would come and reason together, and then support the final decision.”

He added that he appreciates the fact that other people’s thoughts and ideas can be superior to his own, as he has experienced this not only in business, but in personal life as well.

As a couple, Pinnell and his wife Erin have managed a seniors retirement property that had 147 residents, so they can appreciate the challenges people face as they get older.

His 89-year-old mother Lillian lives with them; they have five grandchildren and one great grandchild. They represent five generations, and understand why this community needs to support all age groups.

“My wife Erin and I are really grateful to live in Summerland. We have been to many places, but nowhere has ever felt like home to us, as much as Summerland.”

“I want to see a community that is strong in family values, open to ideas, and helpful to one another. I want our youth to know that they are valued and loved. We have an obligation to leave them something to be proud of – they need to know that there is hope, and a future.”

For more information about Pinnell visit

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John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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