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Water meters needlessly complicated

Dear Editor:

As a long time resident of Summerland (12-year member of our local fire department, retired,) I am totally amazed by the water use regulations that have been imposed against tax payers of our community.

I have invested in Summerland for a number of years and three years ago purchased a new home in the Giant’s Head area. At the time of purchase one of our buying bonuses was that the property was well established and had a complete and reliable irrigation system.

This system is connected directly to the water main, with pressure reducing valves and a working curb stop.

The other bonus of this property was a complete and nicely finished basement.

Now I find myself contemplating tearing apart my home and yard to simply achieve what I already have.

Would it not be simpler to install a water meter at my irrigation connection? I am more than willing to pay for this as it would be a fraction of the cost of the work I am considering.

I’m surprised that when I invested in this new residence I wasn’t warned of the imposing cost and inconvenience I would have to endure. I may have considered moving to new area.

I more than understand the need to conserve our precious water supply but am currently forced to irrigate at high water use times but take solace in the fact that if its okay for the town to irrigate roads and driveways and sidewalks of the new go-kart track also known as Rosedale Avenue and Prairie Valley Road than I just have live with it.

Mark Richards
