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Tract promoted ignorance, bigotry

Summerland letters Satanists Halloween truth propaganda Storehouse Church Hattiesburg Mississippi bigotry ignorance costume

Dear Editor:

With reference to a pamphlet recently posted on the notice boards by the Post Office and CIBC Bank, entitled Do you know the truth about Halloween?

The misinformation and misinterpretation in this pamphlet, beginning with the statement that Druids were Satanists and going madly off from there, is a pathetic attempt to skew history and promote a Christian agenda through fear mongering.

I wonder if the people who chose to post this pamphlet did any research whatsoever to check the accuracy of the information it contained.

However, I am more concerned about the origin of this pamphlet.

The Storehouse Church in Hattiesburg, Miss., is one of many fundamentalist churches in the Deep South.

I am appalled that this kind of spiritual bigotry still exists, and more appalled that someone has seen fit to import it.

As far as I’m concerned, the approach in this pamphlet is akin to the Taliban keeping their females uneducated so they cannot read their own holy books and discover that their leaders govern from a false position.

Whoever posted this information should be ashamed to promote ignorance in the guise of Christian good.

That’s one Halloween costume we can do without.

Heather S. Ross
