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Rainbow crosswalks a way of giving hope

Wow. To be called out personally in a letter to the editor (Summerland Review, Oct. 1, 2015) was quite a surprise.

Dear Editor:

Wow. To be called out personally in a letter to the editor (Summerland Review, Oct. 1, 2015) was quite a surprise.

To clarify I am pretty familiar to the Bible as I was raised strict Lutheran, schooled by Pastor Leitchelter for three years prior to confirmation, have a Roman Catholic sister and a Mormon sister, so family dinners are pretty much heated debates on what the Bible means to say.

I still see it as a book of stories trying to tell us what might work in society.

Sadly it was written hundreds of years ago when society was vastly different and for people who had no idea of the multiple cultures yet unknown to them.

There are fish painted on many of the drainage grates around town.

Every time you see one, you can think, “Jesus loves me.” I don’t care.

As for the other “signs,” go for it, but don’t think of it as acknowledging persecution but giving hope.

A city full of hope is just fine with me.

Now about the witches... Read “Wicked” and you will see they are lovely people highly misunderstood by society.

You can get it at the new library.

Jill Thomas
