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LETTER: Council must reconsider project

Council should be thinking about the effect this will have on the businesses in the town centre.

Dear Editor:

I agree with the two letters by Janice Perrino and Dave Courtemanche regarding the proposed new development for seniors at Banks Crescent.

It’s almost an abuse to seniors to even consider this location.

Council should be thinking about the effect this will have on the businesses in the town centre.

I’m told there are approximately 7,000 seniors living in the district of Summerland. Most of the business comes from these seniors. There will be a lot more in the future.

Why does council not consider an older person an asset?

You haven’t considered the psychological effects on a senior tucked away in a deep gully who can’t even use a scooter to get up the hill because it will be too steep.

There’s no way they will be able to socialize with their friends at the local watering hole or shop for their basic needs.

Come on now council! We are here to enjoy our lives, to participate in all the interesting programs and to be active till the day we die.

Stop discriminating against the older person because one day you will be there as well.

Albertine Meyer
