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Summerland council now meeting on Tuesdays

Change comes after municipal hall adopts four-day workweek schedule
Summerland council is now meeting on Tuesdays instead of Mondays. The change comes as most municipal hall staff members are working a four-day workweek, from Tuesday to Saturday. (Summerland Review file photo)

Summerland council is now holding its meetings on Tuesdays rather than on Mondays.

The change in schedule comes after the municipality moved to a compressed four-day schedule, with most staff at municipal hall working a Tuesday to Friday schedule The four-day workweek began on July 2 and will run for 18 months.

READ ALSO: Summerland adopts 4-day week pilot project

Graham Statt, chief administrative officer for the municipality, said the meeting structures will remain the same, except for the day of the week when meetings occur. Council holds an afternoon meeting beginning at 1 p.m. and an evening meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Meetings are held every three weeks.

Statt said the community’s response to the four-day workweek has been positive.

From Tuesday to Friday, municipal hall is open from 8:15 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Development services staff are continuing to operate on a five-day schedule, but on an appointment-only basis on Mondays. Bylaw staff are operating to provide service seven days a week.

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John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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