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Rotary Club of Summerland works to raise money for pier replacement

Former structure was demolished, following safety concerns
Kiwanis Pier in Summerland was opened in 1999 and was a popular attraction for more than two decades. The pool was closed when many of the pilings were found to be in poor condition. It was demolished in the fall of 2023. There is an initiative to replace the pier. (Summerland Review file photo)

Summerland’s landmark pier will be replaced, but the amenities on the new pier will depend on donations from the public.

“We can do as much as the funds we raise will allow,” said Connie Denesiuk of the Summerland Rotary Club who is fundraising for the pier amenities.

This summer, from Aug. 9 to Sept. 4, the community held a pier survey which was open to the public. A total of 594 respondents participated.

Of those who responded, 24 per cent preferred the basic concept, creating a pier similar to the previous Kiwanis Pier, 36 per cent preferred the enhanced concept which would include some new features and amenities, and 34 per cent wanted the premium concept, with significant new features and amenities.

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Preferred amenities identified in the survey included additional benches, a shade structure, a rope swing, a jumping board, aquatic stairs, lighting on the railing, a slide, a stepped-down platform, solar lighting on the shade structure and a floating dock and ramp.

The Rotary Club of Summerland is working with the project and the fundraising efforts. The club is exploring fundraising ideas for the replacement of the pier.

Denesiuk said the first $100,000 for the replacement has already been raised, and much of the next $100,000 is already in sight. In addition, the municipality has committed some funding to the replacement of the pier.

Summerland council has earmarked $300,000 of the $4.533 million Growing Communities Fund money for the pier. This is in addition to the $200,000 set aside by Summerland council for the removal of the old pier.

The estimated cost of a basic reconstruction of the pier is $300,000. Costs would increase depending on the amenities added to the new structure.

The Rotary Club of Summerland will hold fundraising initiatives, including a fundraising gala to be held May 11, 2024.

“This is something that brings us together,” Denesiuk said of the efforts to rebuild the pier.

The pier was demolished in the fall of 2023. It originally opened in 1999 as the result of a community initiative at the time. Over the years, it had become a popular summer recreation spot along the lakeshore.

The pier was at the same location and had the same design as the former C.P.R. Wharf. The wharf had been constructed in 1910 and was an important part of transportation in Summerland.

John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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