The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen is applying for funding to construct transit stop shelters in Hedley and Gallagher Lake.
The Gallagher Lake stop is for the Rote 40 service while the Hedley stop is to provide better access to the Route 50 bus service.
At present, Gallagher Lake does not have a dedicated transit stop for the service that passes through the community. The proposed stop would be a simple pole and seat arrangement.
In Hedley, the transit stop for the Route 50 bus service is located within a Ministry of Transportation and Transit right-of-way, with no safe shelter for transit users.
The proposed shelter would be partly enclosed and would have improved visibility.
The BC Transit New Shelter Program, for the Gallagher Lake stop, supplies a transit shelter from BC Transit at no cost to the regional district.
The Ministry of Transportation and Transit Minor Betterments Program, for the Hedley station, covers design and construction costs and is covered by the grant funding. There is no cost to the regional district.