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LETTER: Slope stability a risk in Lowertown

A toppled tree shows the potential dangers from slope instability in the Lowertown area

Dear Editor:

This is what we mean with slope stability risk.

On March 19 I was at the site of the big tree that came down in a slope slide on Lake Shore Drive opposite from Rotary Beach in Lowertown Summerland. This is yet another example of what can happen at this scale or a much larger scale.

The big tree came down from half way the slope.

The photo shows the key area. It is nothing but loose sand, not consolidated.

Please see on the photo the house directly at the top of the slope, how steep the slope is and that slumping is already starting to undermine the slope.

Do you want to take the chance for that to happen in Bristow Valley where red zone slopes with homes on top surround the site of the proposed 13610 Banks Crescent Rezoning and Development — 380 units, five buildings, six stories high and underground parking?

Aart Dronkers
